Friday, 23 October 2009

Number Four

I'm back! I know it's been ages but I have still been on the hunt for palm oil free things. I haven't been able to do anything internet related for 3 weeks whilst moving into my lovely new flat in London... but I finally have internet back, although the connection is about the speed of a very small snail in no hurry to get anywhere. So bear with me...

But at last, here it is, Number Four:

... I know, more crisps!!! But I am just a tiny bit addicted to cheese puffs, I love them soo much. My very first conversation with my best friend went something along the lines of 'I love Wotsits' to which she replied 'I love Quavers.' (over our packed lunches in year one at primary school...)

But student debt has gave me the discovery of Tesco's own brand 'cheese puffs' (which are wonderfully palm oil free) and now if I splash out on Wotsits, they taste funny.